… “its colour codes, appropriately coordinated with those in the first volume, and the music’s arrangement (with the four-bar variations vertically aligned, rhythmically synchronised, numbered and appropriately affiliated to her analysis) greatly facilitate visual...
Márta Ábrahám’s new Chaconne Handbook covers decades of research work, and offers a guide to J. S. Bach’s most popular violin piece, the Chaconne. The fascinating discovery of a unique time code embedded in the musical structure of the Chaconne is a breakthrough in...
The new publication edited by violinist Márta Ábrahám and composer Barnabás Dukay is a real world premiere. The authors are professors of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, well-known for their Bach research. Their first book Excerpts from Eternity was...
Kamarakoncert “… a hegedűs, Ábrahám Márta követte egy hegedű-zongorás Verdi-átiratban. A meglehetősen rövid, ám ügyesen megkomponált darabot feltűnően szép hangon és perfekt módon adta elő a művésznő. …Bartók Kontrasztokjának előadásával a darab...
We attended the concert so that we could listen to the Hungarian soloist now living in Gent, Márta Ábrahám, whose two solo albums has been published recently. Her talent cannot go unrecognized. A few months ago she performed the violin concerto of Dirk Brossé with the...
The long, contrasting first-line song was rewarded with ovation Nieuwe Vlaamse Music Revue